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Hey there, I'm Holy Curly!

I am and always will be the “curly headed girl”.

Since a little girl, everywhere I went people would refer

to me as the curly girl. Until this day it still happens and

I have to admit that I kinda like it.
In my circle of family and friends
there was absolutely

no one with curly hair, except for my dad. So when

people talked about the curly girl, the likelihood of it

being me was 99%.

When I got to adolescence I hated it.

I wanted to fit in so so so badly... Can you picture a small

chubby curly girl that combed her hair, parted it in the

middle and used headbands? Yeah, she did not fit the

“cute girl” standards at that time.

One day 2 girls came to me and said: “your hair is so

weird, you should stop using headbands and try to comb

it!”. That left me heartbroken. I promised myself I would straighten it as soon as my mom let me. And so I did. 

Every time I would straighten my hair my mom would say my curls looked so much better. But I wouldn’t care. I was so sick of being the "curly headed girl”. I ignored my mom and family every time they told me that my curls were special. 

Until I got to university and met some amazing people. They loved my curls even though they had only seen them in the “fried noodle” phase! And that was when I started thinking that perhaps it wasn’t so bad to be curly!

I have so much to thank these people and my family. Without them, there would be no curls at this point. 
Thank you for teaching me to love my curls. Thank you for teaching me to love being the “curly headed girl”.


Thank you for reading it all and welcome to this family! 

Photographic Curl History

Photographic Curl History

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